Are Our troops really worth the Sacrifice?

Is a life of a person more valuable than Oil? Why are we still there, its not our war!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Innocent People are still dying every day!

This war in Iraqi is still killing more and more innocent people daily. Yet we seem to wonder why we are still there. Are we really there to help out the Israelites? Like most of you that are following the war coverage, I am very disappointed in the way that things are being handled over there. If we are there to help then why are we still killing innocent people? Especially Children and their mothers?

I had seen some pictures of a very young 20 month old baby that her mother had been killed in a suicide car bombing and the baby injured severely. Yes this is not our fault that suicide car bombings are happening but, what are they really doing about it? This precious little angel had lost her eyes and had severe burns to her face and head that she will most likely die of infection due to the lack of medical supplies.

Are we really respecting their beliefs by being there? Or are we trying to impose our nation beliefs on them? To me it seems we are doing the American thing and not actually trying to help them with their respects and aspects of life. We are there walking all over these poor helpless people and why because what more choice do they have?

In some ways this reminds me of Hilter imposing his religious beliefs on a nation that would never happen, he tried to make a world of his imagination work. Yet the result was it never did and therefore in the long run the out come was. They Israelis came back and brought their nationally beliefs back and built yet again. Yes we may not have the horrible thoughts in our minds or we may not be as evil as he was but, we are still wanting to rule what? MONEY!!

No one can really rule money, where does it really get you? The more money we have the more we begin to loose our true self in the journey. Money is the root of all Evil! Think about how some of the big stars are and what they are going through, are they really happy or are they just there making a huge scene to attract attention to themselves.

Day after day you see one of them having some type of problems, yes we have problems too but they don't get broad casted all over the TV, Internet, News, etc... Why do they do some of these things? They think they can simply because they have money and they can get away with it. Bringing us back to the war, I guess our nation simply thinks it can get away with it because we have the money to back it up.

Really think about the money situation for a minute, if we didn't have the value of oil. The government would begin to go broke. All of the people in America that uses gas for their car produces money for the government. As well as smokers, workers, and grocery and retail consumers. Where does the taxes go for most of the items?

We all know the answer to that. It goes to our government, yet we put our trust in the government to fund our schools, and help the poor and sick. Is this is where our money really goes? I know that the SSI benefits that are getting paid in today by workers goes to pay benefits that are on SSI today.

There is no savings fund for us in the future. If our working culture is breaking down today what will it be when we need them? Look at the elderly now, you see more and more having to find work and support themselves because they don't hardly get any SSI money. The medicare laws have changed forcing them to pay more for their medicines and medical costs.

Yet they still have to pay for heating, cooling, living expenses, electricity, phone, and all of the same items that we have to. I know a elderly lady in town that her husband left her way before she had passed. She couldn't even afford to pay her car insurance, she had both of her knees worked on and had to struggle to walk to the store to purchase her food.

I would go by there on occasions to see if she would need anything from the store, I would sometimes if I had the extra money purchase what she needed. Why can't we be over there actually helping care for these people instead of making it more worse and miserable for them. We were sent to help protect and serve them but, we are just adding more fire to the pot.

I don't know about you but I myself am very angry over what we are doing there but, I am just one voice and one voice is not heard by very many. For all of you that are as angry as I am speak up and be heard!! After all if we don't who will?

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Monday, February 5, 2007

Sacrificing our troops to satisfy our government.

This war is not what the president thought it would be. Yet he is still having our troops stay and fight for what? OIL!! After all if we didn't have the value of oil where would we be and the president? Most of all our vehicles and transportation takes oil. To manufacture the gas they run on. Even if it came to the point of where we was on a major shortage who would get it first! That's right the president would. Yet, we are killing our own troops for this wonder of the earth element. There are families that are being torn apart every day by their troop dad, husband, or son, or daughter being killed. I know a young lady in our community that lost her husband right before thanksgiving, he had only been in Iraqi for 17 days. On top of that they had a baby about a few weeks before he left. Who really benefits from this tragedy? Do we really? What was the real out come of this, the absolute death of a Human Being. This young lady has to deal with so much, raising a child on her own, knowing her husband was killed over a land dispute, and wondering why they didn't pull the troops out a long time ago. All of our troops need to come home, and on top of that America is becoming a wimp when it comes to our land. If we were to enter into a foreign land would they consider our points. HECK NO!!! They would tell us to get out or kill us for our suggestions. Why aren't we this way? Because, we are relying to much on the loop holes in the constitution. When someone gets violated in any small manner the holler wolf!! What do we do, we accommodate them to make them happy and comfortable. We have immigrants that enter the country every day, why? They know that once they are here that they can become a US citizen, get our country to accommodate them and then they can make LAWS!! We as a country are losing our real origination, there are way to many people out there that are changing who we really are. What would our fore fathers say or think? They would not be happy with what we are doing with this country today! We as Americans need to toughen up and realize that WE ARE A NATION THAT SHOULD HOLD UP TO WHAT WE WERE INTENDED FOR. We were intended for one nation to pull together and stand as one, are we really doing that? What have we really accomplished? We have crime, protesters, thief's, back stabbers, drug addicts, racism, hate crimes, alcoholics, and so on. Does that enforce standing as one Nation? Of course not! Until we learn that fighting will get no one anywhere, it will not stop!! Do you love your neighbor as your self? This is the key to all nations and countries.

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