Are Our troops really worth the Sacrifice?

Is a life of a person more valuable than Oil? Why are we still there, its not our war!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sacrificing our troops to satisfy our government.

This war is not what the president thought it would be. Yet he is still having our troops stay and fight for what? OIL!! After all if we didn't have the value of oil where would we be and the president? Most of all our vehicles and transportation takes oil. To manufacture the gas they run on. Even if it came to the point of where we was on a major shortage who would get it first! That's right the president would. Yet, we are killing our own troops for this wonder of the earth element. There are families that are being torn apart every day by their troop dad, husband, or son, or daughter being killed. I know a young lady in our community that lost her husband right before thanksgiving, he had only been in Iraqi for 17 days. On top of that they had a baby about a few weeks before he left. Who really benefits from this tragedy? Do we really? What was the real out come of this, the absolute death of a Human Being. This young lady has to deal with so much, raising a child on her own, knowing her husband was killed over a land dispute, and wondering why they didn't pull the troops out a long time ago. All of our troops need to come home, and on top of that America is becoming a wimp when it comes to our land. If we were to enter into a foreign land would they consider our points. HECK NO!!! They would tell us to get out or kill us for our suggestions. Why aren't we this way? Because, we are relying to much on the loop holes in the constitution. When someone gets violated in any small manner the holler wolf!! What do we do, we accommodate them to make them happy and comfortable. We have immigrants that enter the country every day, why? They know that once they are here that they can become a US citizen, get our country to accommodate them and then they can make LAWS!! We as a country are losing our real origination, there are way to many people out there that are changing who we really are. What would our fore fathers say or think? They would not be happy with what we are doing with this country today! We as Americans need to toughen up and realize that WE ARE A NATION THAT SHOULD HOLD UP TO WHAT WE WERE INTENDED FOR. We were intended for one nation to pull together and stand as one, are we really doing that? What have we really accomplished? We have crime, protesters, thief's, back stabbers, drug addicts, racism, hate crimes, alcoholics, and so on. Does that enforce standing as one Nation? Of course not! Until we learn that fighting will get no one anywhere, it will not stop!! Do you love your neighbor as your self? This is the key to all nations and countries.

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